DIN 432 Specifications

DIN432 External Tab Washer with Nose-product drawing-d1=ID,d2=OD,s=thickness,g=distantce from nose to center

All measurements in millimeters (mm)

d1 used for d2 s f g
M3.2 M3 12 0.4 2.5 4.5
M3.7 M3 12 0.4 2.5 4.5
M4.3 M4 14 0.4 2.5 5.5
M5.3 M5 17 0.75 3.5 7
M6.4 M6 19 0.75 3.5 7.5
M8.4 M8 22 1 3.5 8.5
M10.5 M10 26 1 4.5 10
M13 M12 30 1.2 4.5 12
M15 M14 33 1.2 4.5 13
M17 M16 36 1.2 5.5 15
M19 M18 40 1.2 6.5 18
M21 M20 42 1.6 6.5 18
M23 M22 50 1.6 6.5 20
M25 M24 50 1.6 7.5 21
M28 M27 58 1.6 8.5 23
M31 M30 63 1.6 8.5 25
M34 M33 68 1.6 9.5 28
M37 M36 75 2 11 31
M40 M39 82 2 11 33
M43 M42 88 2 11 36
M46 M45 95 2 13 38
M50 M48 100 2 13 40
M54 M53 105 2 13 42

All information is strictly informative